Advantages Conventional File Processing System
A window is a usually rectangular portion of the display on a computer monitor that presents its contents e. Windows are one of the elements that comprise a graphical user interface GUI. A GUI is a type of human computer interface i. A joint or articulation or articular surface is the connection made between bones in the body which link the skeletal system into a functional whole. There are many advantages to packaging food products in the retort pouch processing times can be reduced by as much as 50, shipping costs and storage costs. The term filesystem has two somewhat different meanings, both of which are commonly used. This can be confusing to novices, but after a while the meaning is usually. DBMS A database management system is the software system that allows users to define, create and maintain a database and provides controlled access to the data. An icon is a small picture or symbol that represents a program or command, file, directory also called a folder or device such as a hard disk or floppy disk. The GUI represents a major advance over the command line interface CLI of the console, which displays only text i. It has made computers much easier to learn and work with, and it has also led to the development of major new applications for them, including desktop publishing and CAD computer aided design. The words window and windows are generic terms and should not be confused with Microsoft Windows although they sometimes are. The latter is the trade name that Microsoft selected for its series of operating systems that employ a GUI. The originally intended name was Interface Manager, but Microsofts marketing expert Rowland Hanson convinced co founder Bill Gates that Microsoft Windows was preferable. Flexibility of Windows. A major feature of windows is the ability to be manipulated easily and intuitively i. The ways in which they can be manipulated usually include 1 opening such as by clicking on an icon and starting an application program and closing, 2 moving to any area of the screen by dragging i. The size of most windows can be adjusted over a wide range including full screen, a fraction of the screen and more than the full screen. In the latter case, the desired section of the window can be viewed by moving the window to expose it. Windows can also be minimized, which results in their being replaced by an icon andor their name, usually in a strip along the bottom of the screen, without actually closing the underlying application program. This flexibility is made possible by the various parts which can constitute a window. They include frames, vertical and horizontal scrollbars, drag strips usually along the top for dragging the entire window and along the other edges and lower corners for changing window size, buttons for closing, maximizing and minimizing and tabs for moving among pages in a window. Components%20of%20the%20Database%20System%20Environment.jpg' alt='Advantages Conventional File Processing System' title='Advantages Conventional File Processing System' />Multiple Windows. Another major feature of windows is the ability for multiple windows to be open simultaneously. Stockbridge_system_flowchart_example.jpg' alt='Advantages Conventional File Processing System' title='Advantages Conventional File Processing System' />This is particularly valuable in a multitasking environment, i. Each window can display a different application, or it can display different files that have been opened or created with a single application e. Moreover, there is a great deal of flexibility with regard to how multiple open windows can be arranged with respect to each other. They can be arranged so that they are contiguous and do not overlap tiled windows or so they do overlap overlaid windows. Overlaid windows resemble a stack of documents lying on top of one another part of the desktop metaphor that characterizes most GUIs at present, and only the upper most window is displayed in full. Any window can be moved to the top of the stack and made the active window i. When most GUI programs are launched, they open in a single window. There are a number of exceptions, among them The GIMP an open source image manipulation program comparable to Adobe Photo. Download Running Man Sub Indo Ep 171. Shop, which opens in multiple windows, each for a different set of tools or options. The main limitations on the numbers of windows that can be open simultaneously are system memory and user convenience. Rarely do users find it advantageous to keep open as many windows as the system memory will allow. Specialized Windows. There are various type of windows, and their functions and appearances can vary substantially. For example, a browser is a specialized type of window that has additional functionality, including the ability for the user to move forward or backward through a sequence of documents i. The more advanced browsers e. Mozilla and Opera have also incorporated the tabbed concept that had earlier been developed for windows for other applications. Other types of windows have reduced functionality. For example, terminal windows emulate a console and thus contain only text. They offer all of the advantages of the console to users of a CLI together with some of the advantages of conventional windows, including the ability to be used while the GUI is in operation and the ability for multiple terminal windows to be open simultaneously. Child windows are windows that are opened either automatically or as a result of some user activity when using a parent window. They can range in functionality from the very simple to the full complement of controls. Some annoying pop up windows that appear when visiting some websites purposely lack buttons for closing them. Message windows, also referred to as dialog boxes or pop up messages are a type of child window. A dialog box is usually a small and very basic window that is opened by a program or by the operating system to provide information to the user andor obtain information or at least a response from the user, including setting options or issuing commands. They usually lack most of the functionality of the more general types of windows e. Difference Between a Window and an Icon. As icons have attained photograph like resolution and the ability to display a miniature image of the contents of the files they represent e. There is still a major difference. Although icons generally can be moved by dragging as can windows, they lack most of the functions and components of windows. An icon is analogous to a button clicking it starts a program or function, which usually opens a window. The simplest possible window, i. A window could, at least theoretically, be minimized to the size of an icon, but it is still not an icon because it is not a clickable single button. It is possible, however, that windows and icons could become more closely integrated in the future. For example, icons could be redesigned so that they could be resized to the size and functionality of a window by dragging them, and windows could be redesigned so that they could be dragged down to the size of an icon. Origin of Windows. Windows were originally developed by Douglas Engelbart at Stanford Research Institute SRI as part of his invention of the computer mouse. He produced his first prototype mouse in 1. GUI which contained a window. The first public presentation of windows was a 9. Engelbarts Augmentation Research Center in SRI, which included a mouse, hypermedia i. In 1. 97. 0 Engelbart received a patent for a mouse made from a wooden shell with two metal wheels, which he described in the patent application as an X Y position indicator for a display system. However, his version of a window was not considered patentable because software patents were not being issued. Further work was carried out on windows at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PARC, which was established in 1. Xerox Corporation in Silicon Valley near SRI. Among PARCs many breakthroughs were the GUI and the first desktop computer, the Alto, which was also the first computer to use a GUI including primitive windows. The first commercial use of windows was on the Macintosh personal computer, which was introduced in 1. This came about as a result of a now famous 1. Steve Jobs, Apples co founder, to PARC where he was highly impressed by the numerous about 1. Altos in use there.